Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thrombocytopenia: Symptoms Of Low Blood Platelet Count

Do you suspect that you may be suffering from low blood platelet counts? If you do, you join millions of people across the globe affected by this very treatable problem.

The simple symptoms of thrombocytopenia (low platelets) start with visual cues such as excessive bruising, or bruising very easily. This is caused by blood "leaking" into the skin after trauma. There is no obvious time frame regarding the development of the symptoms of low platelets, and can appear suddenly or gradually become more apparent with time.

Obvious symptoms of the conditions present themselves in much more sever ways. If you bleed excessively after becoming injured, then you could very well have a low platelet count. Note that if you are on medication such as blood thinners and aspirin, then you may be more susceptible to the effects of having a low platelet count. If you suspect you suffer from the condition, then you should speak to your doctor about what the medication you are taking would have on you if you did indeed suffer from the condition.

Thrombocytopenia may also cause spots on the skin red or purple in colour, usually on the forearms or on the legs. This symptom generally presents itself on areas of the skin where there are lots of capillaries and where the skin is thin. These spots are a direct result of the fact that low platelet sufferers' blood clots at an impaired rate when injured. These spots are called petechiae.

This bleeding condition also causes easy bruising of the skin, and can present themselves seemingly on their own even without obvious trauma. Obviously, the more sever the trauma, the more severe the bruising. The medical name for this is bruising purpura, and can be purple, brown or red in colour.

More severe forms of thrombocytopenia may manifest themselves in much more affecting ways. Bleeding from the mouth or nose, or excessive bleeding after you've brushed your teeth may indicate that you have low amounts of platelets. For women, if your menstrual cycle's flow seems to be much heavier than normal than you should definitely look into treatments for the condition.

Often, the indication that a person suffers from low platelet counts is more prevalent when that person has had an operation. This is thought to be due to the more invasive nature of surgery and the large amount of healing required by the body. This extends into dental work and oral hygiene practices, where gums may bleed and seem to stop very slowly. If you present these symptoms you should get yourself checked out.

If you are seeing blood in your urine or stool then you could also be a sufferer, and before immediately jumping to the conclusion that you have low platelet amounts in your blood, get checked out by a doctor as these symptoms could point too much more sever medical conditions. If you suffer from immense headaches and are concerned that there may be something wrong with you, low platelets could be a contributing factor.

If you suspect or are experiencing any symptoms of thrombocytopenia mentioned in this article, get checked out by your doctor. As with any medical condition, low blood platelet counts should be treated wisely and as non invasively as possible, where possible.

Try seeking treatment through a modification of your diet, and do further reading on what exactly contributes to low blood platelet counts and how you can restore them to healthy levels safely and as naturally as possible.

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