Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Samples of Cold and Flu Remedies

If season changes mean dealing with ailments, knowing more about cold and flu remedies should be your priority. The following pointers discuss simple steps to manage any uncomfortable symptoms.

Simple gargles and other strategies

While gargles are not complete cold and flu remedies, it's still advisable for colds. As soon as you get an itchy throat, mix a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. As salt can draw out water, it helps remove excess water in your throat's tissues. It also reduces the swelling and clears mucous. This simple mouth rinse can wash out bacteria and virus.

As you feel an oncoming cold, it's also wise to keep your nasal area clean. Using a simple nasal spray when symptoms appear reduces its impact. Think of skipping a cold shower for the day. A hot shower will be better as it keeps the sinus paths clear. This can help stop runny nose on its track.

Headache relief and cure

Headaches can sometimes be a part of experiencing the flu. This may be a part of tension headaches as you feel anxious of the upcoming ailment. Tension headache happens when neck and scalp muscles contract or suddenly feels strain. Reasons like stress, depression, or anxiety can bring about the muscle contractions. If you're resting as part of your flu remedies, your sleeping position may be a reason too. Sleeping with the neck in an abnormal position can cause the pain to develop.

As a possible relief, try using a pencil as you experience pain. Place an ordinary pencil between your teeth. Don't bite down on the pencil but just let it stay in that position. The technique will help the jaw relax. It also eases any tension felt to prevent headache. If pain persists, you might be dealing with something else. In this instance, headache cure should be your concern. The only way to find it is to look for a doctor's help. They may suggest treatments and flu remedies.

Fill Up those glasses

Getting more fluids inside your body can reduce symptoms when coming down with colds or flu. Liquids can be as simple as plain drinking water. You can also try to mix things up with juices or soups.

Coffee contains caffeine and the substance can keep you awake. Staying awake is no way a part of a flu remedy because the body needs rest to repair itself.

Runny Noses

If you're wondering how to stop a runny nose during colds and flu, think of investing in a humidifier and medicines. Having a humidifier in the room keeps the air warm and moisturized. The moisturized air keeps mucous lining thin to reduce runny nose.

Runny nose remedy can come through cold medicines. Over-the-counter types can help with colds caused by a virus. It can also dry up mucus to stop the inconvenience. Before buying, however, check instructions for dosage and frequency. Follow instructions to get relief right away.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE TIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

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