Monday, June 11, 2012

Fracking and Radiation, Will Distilling Clean This?

This lady called me today. I think she was from Pennsylvania. She was concerned about the condition of the water tables around her. They do fracking in her area. I have heard of this from a family member who told me this is destroying people's water wherever it happens.

Fracking is releasing natural gasses and oils that are sent to the surface. This is to extract natural gas from underground and shale. Fracking fluid is sent in, filled with toxic chemicals. Fracking is releasing heavy metals, radon, gas and radioactive isotopes in drinking water. This is making drinking water undrinkable. All peoples' wells contaminated.

She called because she wanted to distill water in large amounts. It's legal to distill more than one gallon of water at a time. She wanted to know does the still distill anything else other than water, in case of emergencies. I told her it does oils and ethanol if needed as well.

She asked me if the one gallon, air cooled water distillers would remove heavy metals. The small ones from Asia. I explained to her that the cooling condenser is made of aluminum. It's best to use a copper or SS one if you will be doing this often and a lot.

If you are like my grandma, you still drink the tap water. Fracking has made some drinking water flammable in extreme cases.

Those who have wells, have polluted water. People who use city water we all know the risks.

The Alchemist still can distill water, more than one gallon at a time, which according to is perfectly legal. They have been contacted and asked. You can distill as much water for yourself from the dirtiest water imaginable. Water is so important. Especially in times of any crisis, its blue gold. Protect you, your family and neighbors -and try to get a still that distills water.

There is another gentleman who called me very concerned, living downwind 60 miles from a nuclear reactor. Explaining to me what would happen if the power plant had lost electricity and backup generators failed. adiation would poison the water tables for miles. He was asking if this distillation removes radiation. I posted an article before explaining about the studies that have shown distilling removes ALL heavy metals.

How would he be able to give his family clean water. He bought an Alchemist 2 inch just for water. He got a non electric boiler, but even if you have an electric you can take out the elements yourself, and use over fire.

I told him that to remove heavy metals and 99.9% of foreign matter must be removed through steam distillation. Water filters you buy from the grocery store don't filter heavy metals or even fluouride.

Most people in cities, do not know this, and some have gotten white specks on their teeth from fluoridosis, from all the water they drink out of these plastic pitchers with filters, they think works.

Radiation in the water is something that is scaring a lot of people around the Pacific Northwest. Fukushima has a fourth reactor that is very unstable. Now saying it could be 30 times worse than Cherynobyl if earthquake comes. Lots of media blackouts. A politician in Japan was just saying he was not allowed to get tested for radiation.

I have also been adding Zeolite, not the ethanol dessicant kind, but the powdered edible kind, to my smoothies with Iodine drops. Zeolite will take out these metals from the body by binding to them. Iodine, if you have in the body, will not uptake the radioactive kind into your thyroid. Australia, Indiana State is showing high levels of radiation. So it isn't just us in the Pacific Northwest. Noone is hearing anything about this so information is hard to get.

Here is a good site As you can see there are high levels of radiation in some areas.

Blue fin Tuna from California is reported to have 300 times the safe level of Cesium I heard on Coast to Coast just the other night.

There is a great interview by Dr. Teresa Dale I heard on Alex Jones radio show on June 5th 2012. It only goes for thirty minutes. She says there is a huge coverup not showing radiation levels and she gives so many solutions on how to remove radiation from the body. She was diagnosed with radiation sickness, from Russia Cherynobyl and cured herself. Since then she teaches the world on how to do cleanse the body.

She says Cesium showing up in the WA, OR and CA. All this is from Fukushima. She explains how to clean your fruit and veggies that have been contaminated with cesium. You take a TB of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide food grade to 3 gallons of water and wash all your veggies from your garden.

She also said not to buy anything from Japan, no green tea, no rice, no seaweed. Do not buy fish products.

I am not here to fear monger- but empower and educate. Do your own research. We know the effects radiation has on the body especially children. Its not good. Protect your family. Radiation if it leaks, will get into water everywhere. No filtering will take this out. Not even reverse osmosis.

Distilling water is as easy as filling the boiler with water, attaching garden hose and plugging in the wall, or putting over open flame. The boiler heats up the water and condenses leaving everything, I mean everything behind.

After you have distilled water you can put in your sea salt in to add minerals to charge it, for drinking as distilling removes everything.

My stills can also distill fresh water without electricity. You just take out the heating elements you normally would plug in the wall. You can distill over a fire. My stills can produce one to three gallons an hour depending on size. It's legal to own a still for distilling water in most counties. Double check.

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