Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Common Misconceptions of Waxing

Waxing is probably the most cost efficient and fastest way to removed unwanted hair from almost any part of the body and the effects last for a couple of weeks. It can be done on both men and women alike. However, there are many misconceptions about waxing that scares off potential customers and put many people off.

Hair needs to be of a certain length before you can wax

True. Hair needs to be at least 1/4 long for body area and about 1/8 long for places like eyebrows or ear hair. It will take around a week to grow to 1/8 long and about two weeks to grow to 1/4 length long so it's actually quite fast.

Waxing will make your hair grow back thicker and rougher

This is totally false. Waxing removes the hair from its roots and as a result, the newly grown hair will be softer than ever before. If waxing is done on a regularly basis, hair growth rate will eventually be much slower than before.

There will be skin irritation and redness in the waxed area after waxing

This is a yes and no answer depending on the individual's skin. Some people with sensitive skin experience skin redness and slight swelling after waxing. Some people get small bumps. However, skin redness and irritation will go away on its own after a couple of hours and it is normal. However, make sure that you avoid any saunas, steam bath and tanning for a couple of days to prevent further irritation. Always exfoliate the area on a regular basis as it helps to prevent any ingrown hairs and tightens the pores.

Waxing will change skin tone and colour

False. Sun tanning is much more harmful compared to waxing and it will cause more skin irritation and burning, causing damages to the skin and dark spots in future. However, since waxing will irritate the skin lightly, it is advisable to slap on sun block lotion if you are going under the sun,

You should avoid painkillers before waxing

False. Rumours are that you should avoid painkillers before waxing as they'll cause an adverse effect. In fact, taking painkillers is beneficial as it helps to minimise any discomfort during the waxing session! Do avoid caffeine products though as they will cause your skin to become more sensitive.

There are so many misconceptions about waxing on what you should do and what you should not. By knowing the truth about waxing, you can actually enjoy your waxing session and look forward to hair free skin.

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