Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Reduce Blood Pressure

"Health is wealth", this is the most common and popular saying which is applicable to all individuals. These days life has become so busy that we hardly find time for adequate physical exercise and healthy diet. In order to accomplish all family and work commitments, we all are rushing with anxiety and stress. This has led to the very common problem among people and that is of hypertension and related illness.

In case, you have your systolic and diastolic pressure in the range of 120/80 respectively, then definitely you are a lucky fellow. But this is not enough. You have to constantly make attempts to maintain it. Unfortunately, most of the people suffer from hypertension problem. There are some factors in your life controlling which, you can reduce blood pressure of your body to normal levels.

Among the different high blood pressure remedies, firstly you have to tackle your lifestyle factors-

• Our daily diet is a determining factor of our proper health including the circulation of blood. Due to our fast life, we feel lazy to cook healthy food daily and end up eating fast food, ready made meals and takeaways. These foods are full of salt, saturated fats and sugar which often lead to obesity. This obesity causes detrimental effects on our normal blood flow. To reduce blood pressure, you have to increase the intake of antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and whole grains.

• Gone are the days when people used to walk for miles daily. Now most of the people own vehicles which reduced their daily physical activity. Long sitting hours in office affects your circulatory system. Try to take a stroll during your lunch breaks. You must start with jogging or walking at least 2-3 times a week. Walking is one of the best high blood pressure remedies as it keeps the heart healthy.

• Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol cause serious detrimental effects on our body leading to a lot of illness. If you want to live a healthy and longer life, you must make your mind to give up these things immediately.

• Some people take daily medicines to control this problem. In spite of taking medicines, you should move towards natural remedies. There are several natural tablets which are prepared from natural herbs and keep your pressure and circulation of blood smooth.

Healthy lifestyle means healthy body and proper functioning of systems.. To avoid serious illness and doctor visits, you must take the above tips on board. Make changes in your lifestyle and search for some natural medicines by surfing on the web.

Your life is precious not only for you but also for your loved ones so keep them happy and be with them. Without health, your life becomes a state of languor and anger.

"Stay healthy, stay longer".

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