Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things to Look Forward to This Summer and How to Prepare

This year there are two main public events taking place in the UK - the Queen's Jubilee celebrations and the London 2012 Olympics. The good news is that there's an extra bank holiday to give us time to celebrate the former (or at least to take a day off work and hopefully enjoy some good weather - goodness knows we're owed some), and there'll be massive international interest so for a few weeks we'll seem pretty cool. The bad news is that London will be packed with tourists and day-trippers (though that will obviously be good for local businesses) so day-to-day life will become a little more difficult.

But rather than tut at all the extra people on the tube or at the road closures and extra security, you should throw yourself into these dual celebrations and make this year one to remember.

On top of the extra activities that will put the focus on our country, hopefully the weather will improve (we did say 'hopefully') and so you can look forward to some warmth and sunshine, which will make a nice change.

All of these things put together should inspire you to start shedding your winter clothing and skin, so to speak, and getting your bods buffed up in time for the warmer weather. Before you know it, everyone will be wearing shorts, t-shirts and strappy dresses and you'll be digging out your own summer wardrobe. In order to look great in the warm weather or at this year's special occasions, give your face and body a spring-clean to prepare.

It's often a bit of a shock to go from figure-disguising cosy woollies to skimpy summer clothes or strolling down the high-street with your top off (we're talking about men for that last part, of course). And if you feel self-conscious about your body you won't enjoy the weather as much as you could (and catching sight of a hairy, flabby body might deter the tourists, or throw the Olympians off their game).

So, first thing's first - start shedding any excess poundage you might have added over winter with all those stodgy, comforting meals and treats. Walk a bit faster and take the stairs rather than the lift. Think about joining a gym and then rather than sign up and feel guilty for the rest of the year for not going, just commit yourself to going for a long, brisk walk at least three times a week.

Then deal with the hair that will have accumulated over the winter months. Whether you have unwanted hair on your chest, back, legs, stomach or armpits, there are several ways in which you can tackle it. Shaving is the obvious solution but it's very much a short-term measure that leaves you with unsightly and uncomfortable stubble and isn't really a good option for hair on your back or chest. Waxing is a better option because it lasts a little longer and the re-growth is softer and less bristly. However, waxing is undoubtedly painful and can be messy - and it's not something you can do on your own if it's somewhere hard to reach!

Try a longer-term solution like electrolysis or laser hair removal. Electrolysis destroys the follicle and root and is a permanent hair-removal treatment. However, it is only really designed to cover quite small areas (so it's great for little hairs on women's chins, say) and larger areas would take so many treatments that the cost would quickly become prohibitive.

On the other hand, laser hair removal is suitable for larger areas of your body and requires fewer treatments. It doesn't permanently destroy all your unwanted hair, though, because it damages rather than destroys the follicles (it promises 'permanent hair reduction' and its efficacy can vary depending on your skin and hair type and colour). It's far less painful than waxing or electrolysis and is less expensive than the latter.

If you're considering this as an option then search for 'laser hair removal London' or similar online to find a qualified laser hair removal technician. Doing this in spring is the best time because your skin can be sensitive to heat and sunlight immediately after a treatment so it's best not to leave it until the weather heats up too much.

Finally, a spray tan will take the edge off any paleness, if that's an issue for you, and can do the world of good for your confidence. Don't try it at home, though - tanning and laser hair removal should both be carried out by professionals!

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