Friday, June 15, 2012

Reasons to Wake Up Early in the Morning

You must have heard from a large number people that waking up early in the morning is a very good habit which has a number of benefits beyond one can imagine. But at the same time it looks like bullshit because personally I feel it very difficult to wake up early in the morning. Why should one make his simple and easy going life into a difficult routine? Anything which is difficult to perform has its own pros and cons. Now the important factor in waking up early is that it is a dual advantageous habit. Your office, school or business life gets benefited and at the same time your health gets improved to a great extent.

For some people there can be some worries attached to waking up early also like most importantly you have to cut down your night activities up to a greater extent. It's obvious that if one has to wake up early in the morning then he or she must go to bed early also in order to take the complete rest. People know all these facts and no one is actually ready to go to bed earlier because most of us want to enjoy out at nights with friends etc.

Now there are some convincing reasons which I have narrated which certainly are going to convince you to wake up early:

1. Breakfast. Apparently it is a strange reason but late risers generally try to skip the breakfast. It is said that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for your health and if you miss it, you are asking for a lot of health problems. By waking up early in the morning, you tend to take the breakfast in time and keep your health intact.

2. More Time for Work. If there are some important things pending which were not possible to be done in the evening as you were tired, they can be done earlier in the most peaceful environment. The level of your work output becomes more than what you can do in the evening.

3. Exercise. As of now, most of the people are worried about their physical fitness and overweight structure, Now the thing is that we do not get Free time to perform exercises after coming back from job. There is always one after another commitment waiting for you in the evening. This means you have get rid of this routine work early in the morning and then remain healthy as well as fresh through out the day. This point is well convincing as compared to many others and this is the only reason which has also forced me to change my routine. I cannot simply go for exercise in the evening because of many reasons so I started waking up early and later on a great routine was set for me.

4. There will be no Need of Alarm Clocks. Once your natural body clock is tuned with waking up early and provided you do not change it, you will feel that there will be no more requirement of using aids like alarm clock. You will not be dependent upon others at home to wake you up. In other words, you will always feel fresh and fine with a pet routine without dependence on such like things.

5. Life Increases. You know, the life cannot be increased or decreased with a small act. Now suppose a person has to live 60 years whether he wake up late or early. You will have more time for managing your things. It is a natural instinct that you tend to clean up your, room, office or perform some other necessary tasks which cannot be done in the evening. After waking up early in the morning, you feel that you have a lot of time for the jobs which are usually kept in pending for weekends or likewise. So the life increases virtually and you get more time for enjoyment on weekends or holidays.

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