Monday, June 11, 2012

Stress, Exercise and Weight Loss After 40

I write this to hopefully inspire and motivate you to find time to love yourself.

Where do we begin? It's not enough to just say exercise, some people adapt to it like fish in water; others need a great deal of inspiration and still others wait until the final notice. Do it or else. If you think about what plagues us in losing weight and living healthy at forty in simple terms, it's stress. How we react and deal with stress has a direct impact on our health. Hold it in and it will probably lead to high blood pressure, out of whack cholesterol and possible heart disease. Release it in the wrong way; for example: tell your boss how you really feel, and you might find yourself unemployed.

Exercise lets you release your frustrations and clear your head. If you dive into it hard enough soon you won't remember how rotten your day was and you will emerge winded but stronger and ready to complete the next round.

A second less obvious form of stress is time. Time is our enemy because none of us have enough of it and if you're forty and over you probably have children or older parents that also require your attention or guidance. Time is your enemy because in an effort to have some time for yourself, we often take short cuts. Buying fast food instead of packing small healthy lunches, not motivated to exercise, drinking too often to relax and eating too late and going to sleep on a late meal, only to arise to the same pattern the next day. Fitness at forty or for any age is not unlike any other goal in life you are trying to achieve. It takes planning, you have to think in advance and schedule your activities.

Plan your meals and set realistic goals which allow you to find potential time that you currently don't think you have. Now that you have made an appointment with yourself, it times to set your objectives. There are no miracles here. The Internet, TV, and magazines are filled with fad diets and quick overnight solutions to weight loss. Some work in the short term, but without changing eating habits and increasing your physical activity these often turn disastrous. People often gain back the weight and more. Water, veggies and fruit can beat any fad diet. All you need purchase is a commitment to yourself, a good pair of tennis shoes and if you are forty and over I might suggest some vitamins to replace what you are missing naturally. Staying fit can literally allow you to run away from your problems.

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