Friday, July 13, 2012

Obstacle Race Training: Three Effective Workouts

Obstacle racing is rising in popularity, attracting up to 1 million Americans each year. If you're thinking of signing up for an obstacle race, you'll need to train for it. Your training should focus on endurance, strength, and mental toughness. These three workouts will help you improve in all three areas.

1. Barn Workout

The Barn Workout is a great routine to build strength and endurance. This one is best suited for intermediate-advanced exercisers.


Easy jog for ½- 1 mile (or as much distance as you can cover in 5 minutes)

Stretch for 5 minutes, focusing on major muscle groups:







1. 30 Burpees

2. 30 Burpee/Pullups

3. 30 Pullups

4. 30 Box jumps

5. 30 Medicine Ball Squat Throws

6. 100 Jumping Jacks

7. 300 crunches

8. 30 body weight squats

9. 30 side kicks (each side)

10. 30 jumping lunges

11. 30 curls

12. 30 Triceps overhead presses

13. 30 frog jumps

14. 30 squat jumps

15. 3 x rope climbs


Stretch major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds.






2. Deck of Cards

Deck of Cards is a good total body circuit that will add variety and intensity to your training. You may also find it kind of fun, too.

Although it's ideal for advanced fitness levels, it can also be customized for beginners.

How It Works

Colors and/or shapes represent an exercise. You can pick what exercise each represents. Some ideas:

Clubs: Push-Ups or Burpees

Spades: Pull-Ups or Rows

Hearts: Squats, Lunges, or Deadlifts

Diamonds: Ab exercise of choice

  • Intermediate-Advanced Suggestions: Hanging knee tucks or V sit-ups
  • Beginners: Crunches on stability ball or floor

The numerical and face cards denote the number of reps you do per exercise. Jacks, kings, & queens = 10 reps; aces = 11; jokers can be thrown out or designated to represent another rep number.

Go through the entire deck and perform the exercises for the specified number of reps. If you're a monster-advanced exerciser, you can even try going through the deck twice!

The Deck of Cards workout can be adjusted for beginners so that you complete half the deck only or complete the deck without the face cards.

3. Beginner Intervals: Walk-Jog or Jog-Run

If you're new to running, intervals can help you work up to running your goal number of miles consecutively, water-break free.

Alternate walking-jogging or jogging-running for predetermined ratios for 3 miles. If you're new to running, you may do a walk:jog ratio of 2 minutes:1 minute.

If you have some experience running, but can't run three consecutive miles consecutive without stopping for a rest, you may try a jog:run ratio or 2 minutes:4 minutes. You can also do a variation of something in between 2:1 and 2:4 ratios.

The key to this workout is to push yourself and make yourself devote a greater portion of your session to running or jogging each time and less to the "recovery" bout of your training.

Cool down by stretching for 8-10 minutes, focusing on lower body stretches.

These are just a few workouts that will help you train for an obstacle race. Since this race will test both your endurance and strength, you can also use these workouts to build up towards integrating both strength and running in a single workout. In the long run, you'll want to train to simulate the challenges of an obstacle course race.

Do You Know Whether Nail Biting Leaves The Nails Permanently Damaged?

Numerous people aren't quite sure whether their fingertips will ever be in normal shape again. They wonder if their nail biting behavior will continue to affect them in the future. This article wants to answer the question whether to expect the habit to have some longstanding outcomes.

The good news is that the fingernails, if done correctly, can recover and refresh themselves over time. No matter, how bitten down the stumps are, they can be brought back into shape. In fact, it typically takes a few months until they are totally back to normal.

However, the bad news is that nail biting can have a variety of effects on the afflicted person in another way. Here are some of the long-term consequences that this ingrained behavior pattern brings forth.

First, you should consider the health implications. Not only does nail biting exert additional pressure on the teeth's roots, but in some cases it has even led to cracked teeth. Another way in which the habit of gnawing the fingernails, the surrounding skin and the cuticles can influence the health of an individual are nail infections. This can especially get in the way when performing even the simplest activities like holding a pen etc.

Besides that, the habit helps to transfer bacteria, viruses and germs from the hands to the mouth and lips, promoting the catching of disease, such as the flue or a cold. Just imagining how many objects are being touched every day, bus poles, shopping carts, door handles, computer keyboards, the effects become clear.

But not only the health effects should be mentioned.

The biting condition frequently influences the psyche of a person as well. For example, plenty of sufferers report of constantly being on guard to prevent others from seeing their short, malformed fingernails. This can keep them from relaxing in social situations, directing their energy towards more productive tasks and enjoying conversations with others. In many cases, the hands are being hidden in pockets, under the table or the hands are being balled into fists. Especially in dates, parties or other important events, this offers a great deal of disadvantages. You don't exactly have the best chances of getting accepted in your dream job, if you show up with unattractive, bitten nails.

Although nail biting does not leave any long-term damage on the fingernails itself, it sure can affect numerous aspects of a person such as health, work and the overall contentment of life of a person.

Finding a Nursing School - Accreditation

When selecting the proper nursing school you need to consider a number of factors like the nursing programs offered, school's location, tuition costs, clinical training, number of board NCLEX or National Council Licensure Examination passers and accreditation.

One very crucial factor to look into when looking for a nursing school is the accreditation and you need to make sure that they are accredited by either the Collegiate Nursing and Education (CCNE) or National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) because students can be assured of quality nursing education and the school provides credible endorsement from these accrediting bodies. Schools accredited by either CCNE or NLNAC have met the requirements and standards that such organizations expect from an educational institution.

The NLNAC in particular accredits virtually all types of nursing programs and the CCNE checks on the quality of nursing programs from the baccalaureate and graduate levels. Entering in an accredited school will enable students to attend any program which is supported by the government and this would make them eligible to take higher degrees of the course. Individuals who are graduates of an accredited school have greater chances of immediate employment since they have gone through intense and quality nursing instruction or training.

Accreditation for nursing programs will be based upon: course description, curriculum plan, source descriptions, clinical areas and facilities of the program, etch. The schools' personnel will also be evaluated like the deans, faculty members or directors, and other practices used by the school in protecting the well-being and health of all students.

When accredited, accrediting bodies may then request the nursing schools to update data on several enrollment figures for each class and the ratio of students, teachers, and the number of enrolled students for the last 5 years, policies utilized in choosing students for graduation, how many students graduated in the past 5 years, and how the students performed in the board examinations for the last 5 years. Accredited nursing schools will also be required to pass a list of achievements as far as meeting the objectives of the nursing program is concerned.

There will be constant inspections in nursing schools by the accrediting body and each school will be required to pass a copy of the audited fiscal report plus its expenditures and income. If the school you graduated from is not accredited, then you may have a problem qualifying for the National Certification and Licensure Examination.

This news article is brought to you by BABY-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

What Is a Hormone?

Animals have two types of hormones namely the exocrine and the endocrine hormones. The exocrine hormones are first secreted into a duct before flowing into the blood system. On the other hand; the endocrine hormones directly enter the bloodstream after secretion.

What are the effects of hormones in the body?

Hormones have the following effects in our bodies:

* They are useful in the psychological preparation for fighting, mating fleeing and other activities.
* Physical changes and development during various stages of life e.g puberty and menopause.
* Inhibition or stimulation of growth.
* Activation of the inhibition of the immune system.
* Change of moods.
* Regulation of the metabolism rate.
* Sexual arousal.
* Control of the reproductive cycle.

In general, hormones play many vital roles in our bodies.

Different Classes of Hormones

We have three classes of vertebrate hormones. These are:

* The peptide hormones (made up of a chain of amino acids).
* Lipid hormones (derived from lipids and phospholipids.
* Monoamines (derived from the phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine.

Important Hormones and Their roles in our Bodies
As we've already seen, hormones play very vital roles in the human body. Let us now have a look at some of the most important human hormones and the specific roles that they perform.

This hormone is secreted from the outer adrenal cortex by the adrenal gland. It plays a key role by promoting the re-absorption of sodium in the kidneys, increasing water retention in the body and promoting increase in blood volume.

Anti-diuretic Hormone
Also known as the ADH, this hormone originates from the pituitary gland. It helps in the vasoconstriction and water retention in the kidneys.

Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Cholecystokinin is secreted in the duodenum. This hormone helps in the production of the digestive hormones, suppression of hunger and drug tolerance. Its main role is to ensure a proper digestion and satisfaction of cravings.

Folicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
FSH is secreted in the anterior pituitary gland. It plays a very crucial role in the maturation of the female productive system (the graafian follicles). It is also responsible for some physical changes that occur during puberty.

Growth Hormone
Commonly referred to as GH, this hormone originates from the anterior pituitary. Its main role is to trigger cell production and regeneration. It strengthens the muscles and the bones as one grows. It enhances protein synthesis thus increasing one's bulk of muscles. Basically, it controls the growth of all the body organs except the brain.

Last but definitely not least is the insulin. This hormone is produced by the beta cells found in the pancreas. Insulin is very vital in maintaining the blood sugar levels. It is also involved in several other metabolic processes.

Just to summarize, the concept of hormones is really wide and detailed. However, I hope that this write-up will provide you with good background knowledge on the same.

This news article is brought to you by PET-FRIENDLY-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Natural Solutions For A Healthier Digestive System

The digestive track is a complex system which combines biological and chemical reactions; it plays an important role in your overall health. When your digestive track is out of balance, your body does not absorb the nutrients efficiently which may result in nutritional deficiencies.

Your digestive track is the home of the largest part of your body's immune system, protecting you against foreign invaders by producing acids and housing beneficial bacteria that act as a defensive army fighting to protect you from harmful pathogens that may enter your body.

Some of the symptoms of an imbalanced digestive track are listed below:

• Nausea
• Heartburn
• Bloating
• Loss of Appetite
• Weight Loss
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Fatigue
• Dizziness
• Depression

I would like to review the digestive problems associated with low stomach acid.

As we age, our stomach acid decreases, most of the common digestive problems such as heartburn and indigestion are caused from lack of stomach acid rather than the over production of stomach acid. This condition can be corrected by supplementing betaine hydrochloride and digestive enzymes. Intestinal flora (also called probiotics) can be added. Apple cider vinegar can also be helpful in promoting good digestion. One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of juice or water can be very helpful in solving some common digestive problems.

An appropriate balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is also very important for the balance of the digestive track. Hydrochloride acid activates enzymes for the digestions of proteins. When you are on a low-fat, low-protein diet, and the carbohydrates you eat go through the stomach so quickly that the acid is not fully utilized. It remains active in the stomach which will result in heartburn or acid reflux. It is very important to add a vegetable or meat protein to every snack or meal that you eat. Also eating a diet that includes an abundance of raw foods will aid in supplying the vital enzymes needed for proper digestion.

Digestion begins in the mouth by chewing your food well (at least 20 chews per bite). The majority of your digestive enzymes are actually originated in your mouth not in your stomach. Therefore, chewing your food allows the food to be broken down more quickly and will result in better digestion.

Our GI track has its own ecosystem! There are tiny organisms, mostly bacteria, who live in our GI track, they help us digest food, aid nutrient absorption, produce certain key vitamins, prevent disease and much more.

Below I have listed various reasons why your flora becomes imbalanced:

• Prescription drugs
• Stress
• Junk food or drink
• Poor diet
• Too much sugar
• Too many refined foods
• Candida

You can begin today to balance your intestinal flora by doing the following:

• Eating healthy balanced meals.
• Supplementing probiotics
• Avoid processed sugar
• Eat raw foods
• Avoid alcohol
• Eat fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut and yogurt

Good bacteria feast on fiber, they thrive on a generous supply of vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grain foods, and they also like garlic, green tea and aloe vera.

I am enthusiastic about the use of the aloe vera plant and its digestive properties. This medicinal herb has a great effect on the digestive system, the polysaccharides in the aloe vera plant has curative effects on many digestive disorders. Add aloe vera to your diet on a regular basis and your heartburn symptoms will vanish in a few days. You should also adjust your diet to eliminate fried and processed foods.

Aloe vera heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive track. It will end constipation and alkalize the body helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.

Remember, your digestive system is an extremely complex system that protects you from many of the harmful invaders that live in our environment. It is important that we become aware of this dynamic system today, so we can start healing and achieve a healthier digestive track.

Hollaye Vladimiroff is a Nutritional Coach and her mission is nutrition. For more information go to

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Moroccan Hair Oil, The Best?

Hair oils these days are everywhere and all claim to be better than the next. So what are the benefits and are they as good as they seem.

Well I have narrowed the top three down from my point of view; they are Moroccan Oil, Macadamia Oil and L'Oreal. Moroccan Oil is my winner and was one of the first to hit the market and for very good reason; it does what it claims on the bottle.

This treatment is very versatile, in that the nourishing and residue free formula can be used for many purposes. For example as a conditioning, styling or finishing product. It can be used to blend with other products not even in the Moroccan hair Oil range like colours etc, and even speeds up drying time. This oil treatment transforms and repairs the hair strand by adding strength plus omega-3 oils and vitamins for shine. Amazingly it also absorbs instantly to fill gaps in hair created by heated styling tools such as flat irons. So is it money well spent, well at the time of writing this article the average price for a 100ml bottle is about 30 pounds, which may seem a lot, but when you consider this will probably last month's then it is a very economical purchase. Don't get me wrong the other two oils are great also; the Macadamia Healing Oil has many of the same benefits and has a slightly larger quantity of 125ml and average price tag of around 27 pounds. What is the main difference, not a lot, they use slightly different nut oils and of course the Moroccan oil is also available in the LIGHT version which if fantastic for fine and thinner types of hair to ensure it is not weighed down.

The L'Oreal Professional Mythic Oil has been enriched with avocado and grape seed oil making it quite lightweight. I still think it does a great job of leaving the hair nourished and looking shiny. It is easy to use once again and works well before blow-drying. It just does not seem quite as polished as the other 2 in all areas if that makes sense, so this is why I have rated it in position 3. I suppose the old saying of 'you get what you what you pay for' is even true in the hair care industry.

I hope you have enjoyed this small insight in to hair oils and thank you for reading my article.

Is Chiropractic Child Care Safe And Effective?

If you are not aware, pediatric chiropractors have been providing chiropractic child care for over a hundred years already. This is because parents are concerned about preventing early sickness or ailments in their child's life. What parents like about chiropractic is that it is a natural and safe method for health care. Because of its effectiveness, more and more parents are looking into chiropractic care for early prevention.

Chiropractic child care has the same principles as regular chiropractic. Putting into action the methods are a bit different because pediatric chiropractors work with smaller bodies. The bones of infants and children are more fragile so chiropractors have to practice extra caution when doing manipulations. Chiropractic for children centers on the important relationship of the spine and the central nervous system. The basic principle of chiropractic is that any subluxation or dysfunction in the spine leads to problems in the nervous system. Chiropractors focus on aligning the spine to prevent any health problems from developing.

Adults are not the only ones who experiences stress. Growing children experience physical stress as their muscles, bones, joints and ligaments changes. In fact, the first challenge on the spine occurs when the baby is inside the womb of the mother. Babies in a foetal position will cause spinal problems for the baby. In this position, the baby will have a more difficult time going down the birth canal. Thus, even a natural method of giving birth can cause spinal problems. The ceasarian section method is believed to make infants more susceptible to health problems in the future.

Parents opt to get their newborn baby's spine checked immediately to check if there is any spinal trauma. This is because spinal dysfunctions will affect the developmental milestones of the baby. Such milestones include crawling, walking, sitting and holding the head up. Newborn babies who are colicky, suffer from gastric reflux, have allergies, have chronic infections and have difficulties with breastfeeding are associated with problems in the central nervous system. There is an irritation in the nervous system, which is caused by spinal misalignment. When the baby grows older, physical stresses like sitting all day in school, carrying heavy school bags or playing in the playground can cause spinal subluxations.

One thing that parents are concerned about is if their child will experience pain in chiropractic child care. Chiropractic for children is painless except when there is an injury. The child may feel sensitivity in a part of the body but this will change once the spinal manipulation is made. Parents who have taken their children to the chiropractor are very satisfied with the results.

The number of visits to the pediatric chiropractor will depend on how the child responds to the treatment. A child's spine recovers and responds faster to spinal adjustment. Some may take only 1-3 sessions but it will be best to take your child to regular chiropractic child care to make sure that your child is strong, healthy and capable of healing itself when health problems arise.

Don't Let Mosquitoes Make a Meal Out of You: Avoiding Bites

Mosquitoes are just plain nasty. Their bites cause welts on your skin and itch for days. Scratching the bites makes the welt itch more. Some areas have more mosquitoes than others. Our family cabin is in Wisconsin and close to a river, one of the most beautiful steams in America. But the river and surrounding forest are rife with these biting insects.

Though we have learned ways to avoid bites, we can't avoid every mosquito, so we focus on prevention. You may find our prevention tips helpful.

  • Before you go out, spray your skin. This advice comes from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). According to the CDC, your insect repellent should contain Deet, picaridin, or oil of eucalyptus. Be careful when you use the spray because it melts nail polish and can damage eyeglasses that have plastic lenses.

  • Spray your clothing with repellent. You may do this before you put your clothes on. Clothing that repels insects is also available. I've heard, however, that the repellent disappears gradually with repeated washings.

  • Cover your arms and legs. The forest that surrounds our cabin also has deer tics, which cause Lyme Disease. After getting the disease at the cabin, I wear long-sleeved shirts (no matter how hot it is), slacks, socks, and walking shoes. You should avoid scented shampoo and hair spray because they attract insects.

  • Make a movie hat. We keep a supply of protective hats at the cabin, caps and large round hats with mosquito netting hanging from them. The netting has a drawstring at the bottom and, when it is pulled, the wearer's neck is protected. Sure, we look like extras in a cheap Hollywood movie and we don't care.

  • Remove standing water. You may not think you have standing water near your home, but may have some, such as a half-filled watering can on the deck. Tire swings also hold water. If you have a bird bath, change the water every two days to prevent mosquito build-up. Remember to dump water out of a wading pool before you put it away.

  • Repair window/door screens. We tried the tape trick to prevent insects from getting in through a torn screen. It didn't work. The tape fell off in a couple of days. Instead of the tape trick, take the screen to a hardware store and have it replaced. Patio door screens are harder to repair and you may have to buy new ones.

  • Determine peak mosquito hours. "Avoiding Mosquito Bites and West Nile Virus," a WebMD article, says knowing the peak hours can prevent bites. At the cabin, early morning and after dinner are peak hours, and I mean PEAK. We know when we go outside for a walk we will be attacked by insects, so we re-apply repellent and cover up.

  • Check rooms before bedtime. Before we turn in for the night, we check the bedroom walls for mosquitoes and usually find one or two. If we find may of them, we spray the room with repellent and close the door for an hour.

The CDC asks you to check with your local public health department and find out if your area has a mosquito control program. "If no program exists, work with your local government officials to establish a program," notes the CDC. The moral of this biting story: Get the mosquitoes before they get you!

Copyright 2012 by Harriet Hodgson

Chronic Plaque Psoriasis Affects 10 Million Individuals

Psoriasis is a skin disease that is non-contagious and it is estimated that the ailment affects approximately 10 million individuals in North America. Psoriasis is manifested in various forms and the most common type is chronic plague psoriasis. The condition is characterized by the development of red patches of different sizes on various areas of the skin which are covered with dry and silvery scales. The skin lesions may be itchy and agonizing, along with occasional inflammation.

Doctors do not have a very clear understanding of what exactly causes chronic plaque psoriasis, they only have a basic understanding of the disease's anatomy. It is understood that the T-Cells of the immune system are responsible for the inflammation, and the theory suggests that these cells become overactive.

Despite the fact that doctors suspect there may be a genetic aspect to psoriasis, the ailment does affect children who do not have a family history of the condition. However having said that there is a greater chance that an individual will be affected if one parent suffers from the problem and an even greater chance if both parents are affected by the disease.

As with regards to the inflammation caused by the psoriasis, it is clearly understood under normal circumstances, skin cells will reproduce in order to replace worn out cells on the skin's surface so as to sustain an even number of layers of the skin. But in cases that the skin is damaged or wounded, the process is quickened so that skin cells will reproduce at a faster rate, and extra blood is delivered to the area to help heal the wound. This results in inflammation and redness. In the case of chronic plaque psoriasis, the skin that is not damaged underneath goes through the wound-healing cycle and new cells develop and they are forced onto the skin's surface at a faster rate than the dead skin is shed. This results in a raised area due to the extra skin cells.

These will die quickly to develop scaly white crusts that are common in psoriasis lesions. Under normal healthy conditions, the process of skin regeneration takes between 28 and 30 days, but this process is hastened in psoriasis to take 3-5 days.

Other triggers of psoriasis flare-ups include allergic reactions to medicine, cold weather, alcohol consumption, diseases that deteriorate the immune system such as HIV, hormonal imbalances, bacterial or viral infections, physical trauma and skin injury, severe sun burn, and smoking.

There are various forms of psoriasis. These are basically manifestation in the form of varying symptoms of the same disease. In chronic plaque psoriasis, an individual will present more than one type of the condition.

In plaque psoriasis, the skin lesions are characterized by a highly defined red region that is covered in silvery or white scales. It is the most common form of psoriasis and the most frequently affected areas include the knees, scalp, outer areas of the legs and arms, elbows and the trunk.

The other form of psoriasis is Guttate psoriasis and it is characterized by teardrop shaped lesions and it is provoked by medication or illness. Lesions usually appear on the arms, legs, and the trunk.

The other form of psoriasis is inverse psoriasis and it is especially painful and characterized by lesions that affect where the skin is folded such as the armpits, or the groin. These areas tend to sweat as well as rub together frequently thus adding to the pain and discomfort. These areas are also more prone to fungal infections.

Erythodermic psoriasis is characterized by lack of individual lesions and the whole affected region becomes red and inflamed. The entire body may be affected in serious and extreme cases.

Besides the physical complications associated with the ailment, the most common discomfort is psychological. It dents an individual's self-esteem, quality of the individual's life, and the individual's sociability.

In order to diagnose chronic plaque psoriasis, no laboratory tests are required. The doctor is able to diagnose the disease by examining the area affected quickly as well as the types of the lesions and inflammation. Therefore, by conducting a basic physical examination, the doctor is able to determine if it is a case of psoriasis. In rare circumstances, the doctor may need to conduct a skin biopsy so as to eliminate the possibility of other skin conditions that may present.

There are various forms of treatments which are available for managing the symptoms associated with chronic plaque psoriasis. There are natural methods that are used that have good results.The main aim of treatment is to prevent the occurrence of lesions through the modification of the immune system. There are both remittive as well as suppressive treatments. Relief from the flare-ups associated with the problems which go on after treatment has been abandoned is acknowledged as remission. This implies that individuals with the ailment can take a leave from medication.

One treatment procedure is known as phototherapy. This is basically exposure to direct sunlight. However having said that this should be administered carefully as it may lead to worsening the condition. It is advisable to seek medical advice before attempting the remedy. Light therapy may also constitute UVB, PUVA (psolaren Plus Ultra Violet A light) and laser treatments in conjunction with certain medications so as to enable the skin become more sensitive to light.

Moisturizers are also very ideal for managing the condition as they will help in minimizing the discomfort associated with pain and the itching. In addition, certain lotions and creams such as coal-tar are very effective at enabling the skin to become more sensitive to light.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The 2012 London Paralympic Games

The attention of the world will be on London this summer for the Olympic Games, but as soon as the main event ends, another competition starts right afterwards. These are the 2012 Paralympics Games in London, the competition of the world's athletes with physical disabilities that promises to provide not only an excellent standard of sports but also a keen insight into the capability of the human body to overcome obstacles. The Paralympics should not be confused with the Special Olympics, the events held for athletes with mental deficiencies; the Paralympics are for physical disabilities only. They will begin the 29th of August and concludes the 9th of September, taking place in the same facilities as the summer games. It will be the first time that the same logo is used for both Olympic and Paralympic events. It should be noted that these two events are not exactly the same and have different judges as well as qualifying standards, though they do use the same location.

These games are held every two years, just as the standard Olympics. They follow both the summer and winter games as the main competition ceases, though it draws less attention. The first Paralympic competition began after the Rome Olympics in the 1960s and have been held ever since. Today, these elite sportsmen and women gather in the thousands, from well over a hundred different nations, in order to compete in nearly two dozen games ranging from wheelchair fencing to powerlifting. Though the objective of the Paralympics, as in the main events, is to compete and win medals for your nation, they also create the initiative of "Training for Life", the participation in year-round sporting events for greater physical fitness and higher social self-esteem is key for all disabled individuals.

The 2012 Paralympics in London will be the second-largest sporting event in the entire world after the Olympics themselves. There are a wide range of athletes competing with various disabilities. These range from physical handicaps such as dwarfish and multiple sclerosis to sensory disability such as blindness or deafness, and amputated limbs or spinal injuries. While these athletes may have disabilities that prevent them from having a normal life, they are still in peak physical condition and could outperform many people without disabilities.

The difference between a Paralympic event and an Olympic event may not necessarily be noticeable and some events may be very different. Archery, for instance, does not change in the Paralympics except that athletes are not expected to stand or rely on both arms in order to hit their targets; the distance and size of targets are not changed. In the instance of wheelchair rugby, however, the rules are significantly different. Wheelchair rugby is one of the most popular Paralympic sports due to the physical skill required to manoeuvre a wheelchair at high speed while also passing and checking opponents. Rules like the opening tip-off and time of possession differ from standard rugby; also, any points must be scored by crossing the entirety of the goal line with both wheels of a wheelchair in order to count. Goalball is a sport not featured in the Olympics, similar to soccer in that it must get past a goalie, but different in that there is no passing.

What's Inside Our Bones

Looking at the bones of the animals that you eat, it has been quite easy to picture your own bones. From pictures in books and on the Internet, you have also been shown how a human bone looks. You know that it basically has a pearly white color and a smooth surface like that of a marble. In actual though, your bones have more inside it than being that white thing.

There are different layers inside your bones. The hard and outermost layer is called the periosteum. This part of your bone is the most sensitive to external pressures. It contains within it various blood vessels and veins that transport blood and nutrients to be used by the different parts of your body.

After the hard layer of periosteum, the next is the compact bone. The tissue inside the compact bone has very little gaps or spaces thus making it only 5% to 30% porous. It is mostly responsible for giving your bones their common attributes of being white, smooth and strong. In an adult skeleton, 80% of the total bone mass is attributed to the compact bone.

Under the layer of compact bone is the trabecular or cancellous bone. 20% of the total bone mass in your skeleton is attributed to this layer of your bones. It is found mostly in the interior part of your bone and resembles a sponge in terms of physical appearance. As such, it is relatively softer than the compact bone, 30% to 90% porous and with generous amounts of space for the marrow.

Finally, you have the marrow in the innermost part. In terms of physical appearance, it can be likened to a jelly with either a red or yellow hue. The bone marrow is a popular layer because of its important function of producing new blood cells for your body.

Aside from the layers of the bones, there are of course cells within it. There are several types of these cells. One is the osteoblasts, located on the surface of the osteoid seams. They produce a type of protein that manufactures bones and produces hormones. Another type of cell within your bones is the osteocytes. Their main functions include the formation and maintenance of your bone matrix as well as the regulation of the way your bones cope with stress. Lastly, you have the osteoclasts that are mainly responsible for the breaking down of the old bone to be replaced by a new one.

It is quite amazing to realize how complicated your bones actually are if you consider what is inside them. For a detailed understanding, you may also consult with your doctor or osteopath who is knowledgeable in the subject.

Medical Clinic: What To Find Out Before You Go

If you think you need to go to a local medical clinic, there are a few things you should find out first. Learning some details before you even schedule an appointment can help the visit go smoothly. It can also keep you from wasting your time at an office that cannot help you.

The first thing you should do is find out when you can schedule an appointment. Some offices are more flexible than others when it comes to the schedule, so make sure it is convenient for you. For example, some clinics offer weekend appointments so you do not have to take time off work or school to see a doctor. They might also offer evening visits so you can go after work. Of course, if you can easily take a half-day at work, a more traditional schedule might be fine for you. The same goes if you work nontraditional hours, such as nights and weekends, since an office with weekday hours might be best.

You should also find out if your insurance plan is accepted. Be sure to ask just prior to making the appointment since clinics occasionally change which plans they accept. If you do not have insurance, find out the prices for patients paying cash. This gives you a chance to budget and even compare prices of local clinics so you can afford treatment. If you do not have a lot of cash right now, find out if you can get a payment plan in order to pay it off gradually.

Of course, you also need to make sure you choose a medical clinic that offers the services you need. If you just need to get an issue checked out, and get a referral to a specialist if necessary, a general practitioner may work well. But if you already know the type of specialist to go to, you should choose an office with this type of practitioner. For example, if you have problems with your feet, skin, or heart, each of these has a doctor that specializes in this subject. If you want expert advice that your general doctor cannot offer, you might want to see a specialist. Be sure the medical clinic you choose offer this kind of doctor.

You can find out this information from websites or even phone calls. If your local office features a free first consultation for new patients, you might consider attending one to find out the basic facts. This way, you are prepared for your first actual appointment.

This news article is brought to you by YOUR MIND - where latest news are our top priority.

What Conditions Can Cause Arm or Leg Pain?

If you're experiencing arm or leg pain, you know how life altering it can be. We use our arms and legs on a daily basis for almost everything we do, so having pain in either of these areas can be debilitating. It can keep you from being able to work, enjoy your hobbies or participate in activities with your family.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is a spinal condition which occurs when the gel-like center of the disc ruptures through a weak area in the tough outer wall. You can think of this similarly to the filling being squeezed out of a jelly doughnut. Many people experience low back or leg pain as a result of the disc material touching or compressing on a nearby spinal nerve. A herniated disc anywhere in the spine can cause arm and leg pain.

The pain from a herniated disc varies depending upon the location of the herniation. If you have a herniated disc in your lower back, for instance, you're going to feel pain in the lower back area and possibly down one or both legs. Some people even feel the pain all the way down to their feet. It can feel like an electric shock that is more painful upon movement. Sometimes, people even experience tingling and numbness associated with a herniated disc.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis, on the other hand, is the gradual breakdown or deterioration of the joint spaces in the musculoskeletal system. The pain from arthritis typically causes sensations such as joint pain, burning, cramping, muscle spasms and even stabbing pain in the extremities. Most people who are experiencing arthritis feel very stiff in the morning but start to feel better as they move about during the day. This is a point of distinction between disc herniation and arthritis. Typically a disc herniation will cause someone to feel more pain upon activity whereas arthritis will typically present as the person feeling better once they have started moving around.

Arm or leg pain may be caused by spinal related problems, so it's important to have a pain specialist work the patient up thoroughly for diagnosis prior to starting treatment. If the pain doesn't seem to stem from the spine then the actual extremity, meaning the arm or leg, should be evaluated for pathology. In some cases, the pain could actually be coming from the arm or leg itself.

Thankfully, trained pain specialists have access to high-tech equipment and testing procedures that will allow them to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain. Then, the cause can be treated rather than just throwing medication at the symptoms of the pain.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Cosmetic Surgeons Are Important for the Medical Community

Within the medical community, cosmetic surgeons form a very important sub-category of specialists. While family physicians, emergency room doctors, and other types of surgeons tend to be looked on most highly by the general public, the value of these specialists cannot be overestimated. They offer a variety of services that other doctors simply cannot offer. They perform reconstructive surgeries, they help to alleviate debilitating medical conditions, and they help patients to gain valuable self-confidence.

Reconstructive Surgery

The first reason that cosmetic surgeons are important for the medical community is that they are uniquely able to perform reconstructive surgery on patients. If an individual is the victim of severe burns or lacerations, then one of these specialists is able to offer help that other doctors cannot. They can perform procedures that will help to diminish the appearance of scars that are the result of serious injuries, and this is often a very important step in helping these patients regain some level a normalcy in the wake of their injuries.

Treatment of Chronic Conditions

Another important service that cosmetic surgeons can offer is the treatment of certain chronic conditions. Many conditions can lead to issues that one of these specialists might be able to treat. A facial twitch or skin disorder is something that one of these doctors can help to alleviate. While another specialist may be required to offer a cure for some conditions, a surgeon who is trained in this type of surgery will be better able to help reduce the appearance of symptoms, and this is an invaluable service to patients as well as the broader medical community.

Increased Self-Confidence for Patients

Finally, cosmetic surgeons are able to offer something that other doctors cannot offer: self-confidence. A large part of their practice is centered on elective surgeries such as liposuction, breast augmentations, or face lifts. These treatments, while not medically necessary, offer patients the opportunity to feel better about their appearance, and this can go a long way in improving one's mental state as well as the overall quality of one's life. Therefore, this is another example of why these doctors are important members of the medical community

In all, there are a number of things that make cosmetic surgeons important to the broader medical community. They are able to perform reconstructive surgeries, offer treatment for chronic conditions, and provide patients with an increased level of self-confidence. This makes them indispensable for the general public and for the medical establishment.

Plastic Surgery - Tips for Buying New Clothes

As you plan out your plastic surgery, you may have visions of walking into your local mall and going on a shopping spree. You know that whether you have a breast augmentation or liposuction, clothes are going to fit differently now. It can be difficult to postpone that shopping experience, but remember that you want to get the full results of your operation before you start investing money into your wardrobe.

Doctor Prescribed Clothing

Some types of plastic surgery require patients to wear compression garments for a specific amount of time after the procedure. If your surgeon requires these items, make sure that you have them in advance of the operation. You will probably leave the hospital in one garment but most people want to have at least one of two others to change in and out of. Talk to your doctor about where you can get these items and how many you will need. Also, be sure that you know exactly how long you need to be wearing them.

Comfortable Clothing

After the plastic surgery, your body is going to need to recover. You will probably have bruising in the area that you had the work done and swelling is usually inevitable. Because of this, you may not be able to squeeze into your favorite pair of jeans or your favorite top. Consider pulling out clothes that will be very comfortable. Any pants should have elastic waist and t-shirts should be stretchy. You don't want anything rubbing against the incision sites.

If you are going to be home for a couple of days, there is no reason to get dressed up or make yourself overly presentable. Even if you spend time in your pajamas the entire time, that is okay as long as you are comfortable. The goal is to avoid anything irritating the wounds or causing you to be uncomfortable.

Your New Wardrobe

It might takes several weeks, but eventually, the swelling from plastic surgery will go down, and you will have a better idea of what your new figure will look like. At this point, it is time to go shopping. Take your time and pick out pieces that you really like. This is a great time to try new things, perhaps items that you felt that you couldn't wear before the operation.

Consider choosing pieces that showcase your new look and add to your confidence. While it will not cost as much as the procedure, replacing several things could be expensive. If you cannot afford to replace all of your things at one time, you can purchase enough to get by with and then add to your wardrobe as you get some extra money.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE TIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Newborn Screening for Pulse Ox Is Essential

The majority people are now aware of newborn screening. A simple test of pricking the heel of the baby within the first forty eight hours of life is essential to help diagnose over fifty genetic diseases which aren't apparent at birth.

There are, however, other conditions which aren't routinely included for newborn screening. Only a few states currently screen infants for certain critical congenital heart defects (CCCHDs) by an inexpensive Pulse Oximetry (Pulse Ox) test. All new parents need to know whether their state includes pulse-ox testing as part of their compulsory screening program.

It is essential that pulse-ox screening is routinely undertaken as this can identify seven primary CCCHDs. A newborn baby with this condition could die within a few days or weeks if the disease hasn't been recognized and immediate treatment started. Pulse-ox screening as part of a full examination during the first forty eight hours gives these babies the best possible chance of having a healthy life.

Pulse-ox testing is done by placing a pulse oximeter, a small sensor, on the hand and foot of the baby to show the level of oxygen in the blood. There aren't any needles involved in this test. If the oxygen is lower than a specific figure this suggests CCCHDs so further diagnostic testing can be carried out immediately. The pulse-ox test only costs between $5 and $10 for each baby. This is a very small price to find out whether the baby is clear or if additional testing for this condition is required which will be done immediately.

The Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders and Newborns and Children decided in 2010 to include the screening for CCCHDs by pulse-ox to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP). Secretary Kathleen Sebelius accepted the recommendation in September 2011 when she forwarded it to the states for legislative deliberation.

Currently there are only seven states which have passed legislation, ensuring that pulse-ox screening is included in their newborn screening program. Several other states are waiting for the legislation whilst others are undertaking trial testing programs. There are, however, nearly fifty per cent of states which haven't taken any form of action. Check out the situation regarding screening in your state.

So what can you do to ensure that your newborn baby receives this essential screening? Ask your hospital about their position. If you live in a state which doesn't perform this screening, speak to your prenatal health provider who will advise you about screening for pulse-ox after the baby leaves hospital. There are Screening Toolkits from the Children's National Medical Centre for using in newborn nurseries and you can obtain a kit for your doctor.

You should also contact your state screening program to make them aware that you feel that the implementation of newborn screening for CCCHDs is essential in saving babies lives.

For more information on Newborn Screening watch this video

Cleansing Your Water of Legionella

For every business, being able to provide a clean drinking water system to their employees is of legal importance. It is mandatory for every business to conduct a legionella assessment of their water. The virus is one that can cause the dreaded illness, which at times can even turn fatal. Should you choose not to have the test done, then you can be held legally liable to any person who may contract the illness from the water of your premises.

Most legionella assessment agencies will also provide you with means of tackling the problem should they find it on it on your premises. One of them is with the use of chlorine generators and treatment measures that are related.

One of the first steps to rid a building of the legionella virus is to disinfect the water supply. This will bring down the presence of the pathogen. Doing this on a regular basis will cleanse the piping system of the virus and will prevent it from coming back again. There are a few reconstructional measures that one will have to take to meet this disinfection requirement. These systems can be designed specifically to meet the needs of small to medium sized building which handles a water flow of around 25m/3h.

A basic chlorine generator and treatment system is made up of several components. It will have on it a dilution device and a flow meter. It also comes with a chlorine dioxide meter and of course a safety kit to prevent exposure. Ideally the entire set up will also have to be supported with a maintenance kit.

The kind of generator you will need will depend on a number of factors. Ideally you should go on the basis of the recommendation from your evaluator. You can opt to have the system installed and can monitor and maintain records yourself. Else you can outsource the entire cleansing system to capable hands and be rest assured that by the time your next evaluation is up, you will have a clean system.

There is enough of research to show that the use of chlorine generator for disinfection works to a great extent and can rid your systems of the legionella virus. The process is a safe one and will not come in the way of the working of your office. You will not suffer from any downtime and can be rest assured that your employees are not exposed to the virus due to negligence on your part.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Three Pillars of Healthy Living

In this day and age, society appears to fixated on living healthy. This is not necessarily a bad thing but it should be noted that there is a lot of misinformation out there. Trendy diets, workout gadgets, and the latest studies on what is good for you and what is bad for you. In my experience, there have been, and always will be, three pillars of fitness: nutrition, cardiovascular training, and weight training. Each of these pillars offers unique and powerful benefits for the human body.

The first pillar of nutrition is the most important element to healthy living. Think of the human body as a car, if you don't put gasoline in the car, it will not run. Take this analogy one step further; if you are fueling your car with high octane racing fuel, then you will receive the performance you are expecting. Should you put low quality fuel in, it will not perform as you would like. This of course is relating to healthy food versus junk food. Eating high quality protein foods, complex carbohydrates, and healthy unsaturated fats is a recipe for success.

The second pillar, cardiovascular training, refers to keeping your heart healthy. The heart is responsible for circulating blood throughout the body. This blood carries necessary oxygen to cells that require it to properly function. The stronger the heart is, the more blood it can pump. The more blood it can pump, the more output you will be able to receive from your body. Popular methods of cardiovascular training include: running, biking, and swimming. Playing sports is also a great way to receive ample cardiovascular training especially sports like soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and tennis (notice how all of these sports involve a great deal of constant movement which keeps the heart rate elevated for an extended period of time).

The third and final pillar is weight training. This refers to a wide range of physical activities that place stress upon the muscles in order to strengthen them. This includes, but is not limited to lifting weights (dumbbells, barbells, etc.), yoga, and Pilates. The basic premise with weight training is to create some form of resistance against the body. This can be done with weights or body weight. The benefit of using weighted devices is that it will increase muscle mass significantly more than body weight. Using only one's body weight will indeed create muscle but you are limited to how much muscle can be gained by how much you weigh.

Always keep in mind, there are no quick fixes and living healthy is a lifestyle that much be lived everyday.

This news article is brought to you by DEPRESSION - where latest news are our top priority.

Egg Donation Trends Worldwide

Different ethnicities, race groups and religious groups all feel independently that the group to which they belong has stronger views about the highly sensitive topic of egg donation. The reality is that egg donation is very personal and the exploration of such treatment is ultimately based on the individual's own circumstances. The uniqueness of the decisions are influenced by people's own prominent histories and the influence of the associated culture.

Typically, Caucasian South Africans tend to take longer to accept the fact of requiring donor eggs to conceive. Although the trend of advanced fertility treatments is growing, proceeding with an egg donor remains a highly private decision. The general public remain in awe and interest of concepts such as egg donation, which always requires further explanation, to ensure everyone fully understands that the topic is human egg donation of the female.

In Africa, cultures amongst the Black Africans are that of fertility and the bearing of children is almost a given. As infertility neither discriminates against race nor culture, a certain proportion of woman from all groups will fall victim to infertility. Black woman have always given a fixed decision that the donor egg conception will remain highly private without even grandparents knowing about the egg donor. The ability to find an egg donor of the same ethnic group enables these hopeful parents to have the promise of a similar child to the physical traits of the commissioning parents and restore hope from a potential ostracised situation of being barren and the only family without children. Black families have typically borne many children in one household, so whilst it cannot be said that one woman's pain of infertility is greater than another, it could be argued that the stakes are higher if associated families have conceived several children and one struggling lady is battling to have a mere one child.

Black recipients tend to make decisions quicker about their egg donor. South Africa is also a haven for egg donation treatments for neighbouring African states, such as Cameroon, Zimbabwe and Nigeria who share some of the African cultures of conceiving and having many children.

A new African commissioning parent shared his story that he was raised in an environment where his genetic mother was actually his sister. He only become aware of this in his late teens, which left him somewhat deceived. His grandmother (mother of his genetic mother) assumed the role and responsibility of mother in the home. He personally had to resolve extensive personal conflicts about the concept of an anonymous egg donor. After understanding that an egg donor is not a mother and really a donor, he was able to distinguish between mother and egg donor. With this newfound realisation, he has realised that conception with an anonymous egg donor is not repeating his own deception of not having the truth about the genetic mother. His is a choice, whereas his family situation manifested as a result of an unplanned situation.

Although Australian and British recipients travelling to South Africa have to incur more costs relative to the travel investment for such fertility treatments abroad, there tends to be a greater initial acceptance. There appears to be a quicker turnaround in terms of decision making and confirming the preferred donor. This may be that there is an inherent understanding that further planning is required to facilitate and arrange such an international trip. A further possible consideration is that Australians and UK recipients have possibly explored other international egg donation options, whereas South Africans tend to explore national rather than international scenarios.

Accordingly, each individual is guided by their own personal history in terms of decision making around the selection of the egg donor, the promptness hereof and other supporting decisions, such as aspects of importance in the egg donor as well as maintaining the confidentiality of the donor egg role in the conception.

South Africa offers an affordable anonymous egg donation solution for recipients worldwide, with hundreds of available egg donors and professional experienced fertility clinics. Egg donation agencies in South Africa are also required to be accredited and adhere to guidelines confirming their professionalism and adherence to highest egg donation standards. More details can be obtained via baby2mom Egg Donation Agency on

This news article is brought to you by STOCK MARKET - where latest news are our top priority.

Chiropractic As A Means To Eliminate Nagging Headaches

If you are someone who is looking for ways to eliminate nagging headaches, then you are not alone. According to statistics, 90 percent of the world's population suffers from a headache at least once per year and 1 percent of them are serious cases. The findings show that women are three times more likely to develop headaches compared to men. The number of headache incidence seems to depend upon the area where people live. Furthermore, around 12 percent to 18 percent of the world's population is suffering from migraine. As a result, there are many scientific research and studies that are made to fight headache. Good thing we are not left alone because we can visit a chiropractor to alleviate or eliminate headache and its accompanying symptoms.

Chiropractic is a system of diagnosing, treating, and managing of disorders of the body, most especially of the nervous and musculoskeletal system. It is a natural way of healing without using invasive procedures and medication. Chiropractic uses a hands-on and holistic approach. This means that it addresses the root cause of a disease rather than just the effects. Chiropractic is one of the fastest growing medical industries in the world today. It is currently the third largest medical profession. Because of its unique treatment methods and management procedures, more and more people are turning to chiropractic.

In order to effectively eliminate nagging headaches, it should first be understood. A headache is also known as cephalalgia and it refers to the pain that occurs in the region of the head down to the neck. It can be an early sign of a disease process or it can be an accompanying symptom of other illness. The pain does not originate in the brain itself because it does not have pain receptors. It is more likely that the pain originate from the adjacent structures of the brain.

There are an estimated 200 types of headache. Most of it is harmless but there are some that are life threatening. In general, there are two types of headache, the primary and secondary headache. Primary headache originate anywhere in the head and neck while secondary headache originate in the region outside the head and neck.

You can visit a chiropractic clinic if you want to effectively and safely eliminate nagging headaches. A chiropractor can help you by accurately diagnosing your headache and see what the causes of the pain are. According to the findings, the chiropractor will now do the necessary course of treatment. One of the most popular treatment methods of chiropractic that can be used to address headache is spinal manipulation. The chiropractor will ask you to lie down in a prone position then he will maneuver the spinal bones and joints to re-establish proper alignment and position. As a result, the nervous system can now work efficiently and headache can be avoided if not lessened.

These are just some of the things that you need to know how chiropractic can help you with your health problems. With the proper diagnosis and management methods, you are on your way to eliminate nagging headaches.

This news article is brought to you by ONLINE-DATING - where latest news are our top priority.

Something You Should Know About Prostate Problems

Prostate problems strike most men over the age of 50. The American Urological Association states that over 90% of all men will develop some kind of prostate problem during their lifetime. Of these, the most common prostate problems are:

-- Prostatitis - caused by an inflammation

-- Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate

-- Prostate cancer

Inflammation In Prostate May Be Silent

Examination of prostate tissue from routine autopsies indicate 75-80% incidence of chronic inflammation in these cases. While inflamed prostate may not be painful in itself, it can lead to prostate enlargement and unpleasant symptoms because of an increased pressure on the urethra.

These symptoms produce increased urgency or difficulty to urinate, problems in emptying the bladder, sleep disturbances because of frequent nighttime urination, weak or sporadic stream of urine, dribbling at the end of urination and emotional distress.

Because of the side effects of treatment for BPH which can be worse than its symptoms, most doctors do not suggest treatment for the condition. But if left untreated prostate problems could become much worse and eventually require uncomfortable prostate biopsies, radiation or microwave treatments. It can even require debilitating and potentially serious surgery.

Over 400,000 men in the United States undergo prostate surgery each year. Moreover, prostate problems can lead to dangerous complications, including bladder and kidney infections.

What Causes Prostate Inflammation

Prostate inflammation is idiopathic, which means cause unknown. Some probable causes include:

-- Infection with sexually transmitted agents or non-sexually transmitted bacteria or virus;

-- Cell injury triggered by chemical and physical trauma from urine reflux;

-- Prostatic stone formation;

-- Retrograde movement of sperm cells into the prostate;

-- Hormonal (estrogen) variations and/or exposures;

-- Dietary factors such as increased consumption of red meat and animal fats.

Inflammation Increases The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) is a lesion that frequently occurs in the prostate. PIA is connected to prostate cancer since inflammation produces increased cell death and DNA damage in regenerated cells.

Many population-based investigations confirm the link between inflammation and prostate cancer. Furthermore, these studies also discovered that men who took inflammation-reducing medications or followed dietary patterns that were less likely to promote inflammation are at lower risk of prostate cancer.

Inflammation Promotes Metastasis Of Prostate Cancer And Treatment Resistance

Studies consistently show that inflammation associated with the progression of tumors plays a crucial role in the metastasis of prostate cancer. Tumor cells produce a variety of substances that trigger inflammatory cells to break into tumor tissues. Once this happens, the tumor tissues release inflammatory cytokines, proteases, and growth factors which are responsible for tissue disruption, invasive potential of tumor cells, growth of new blood vessels that feed tumor cells, and finally tumor metastasis.

There are no effective treatments for metastatic prostate cancer. Since resistance to chemotherapy has been linked with increased inflammatory responses in metastatic tumors, studies are carried out to investigate whether anti-inflammatory treatments could improve metastatic tumors and bring down treatment resistance.

Natural Anti-inflammatory Remedies For Prostate Health

Anti-inflammatory herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat various chronic inflammatory conditions. Turmeric, Gingo biloba, Saw palmetto, Scute, Coptis, and Lovage are commonly used anti-inflammatory herbs in prostate remedies.

Anti-inflammatory remedies work as detox cleanser to remove noxious stimuli, i.e., inflammatory cells and their metabolites and debris. After effective removal of the inflammatory substances, the enlarged or inflamed prostate gland may begin to shrink.

Anti-inflammatory remedies may provide the following benefits:

-- Remove irritable stimuli that promote DNA damage and gene mutation in the prostate;

-- Help ease urinary tract relaxation and reduce urine reflux;

-- Maintain a healthy hormone balance;

-- Supply natural antioxidants to the prostate and help to restore a normal microenvironment.

This news article is brought to you by MEMORY-TRAINING - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Health News: Medical Breakthroughs

Over the years, medical scientists have worked so hard to shed light to the most puzzling areas of health and medicine. These people spend most of their time doing research for the benefit of the humanity. If you are reading health news on a regular basis, you would understand how diligent these people are. Here are some of the breakthroughs in medical and health science that have a significant impact on our lives.

Disarming HIV

One of the most talked about breakthroughs today is the discovery of the Achilles Heel of the HIV. American and European scientists have found a way to disarm the virus and keep it from wreaking havoc in the immune system. The method involves extracting the cholesterol from the virus, a method that extinguishes its defenses. Without this cholesterol, the virus loses its weaponry and becomes open for the human immune system to destroy. HIV is known for disabling the adaptive response of the immune system. Since the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus, scientists have been finding a means to fight it. None so far has been so successful. Vaccines in the past were useless. But things might have changed now that a new way to weaken the virus has been discovered.

Aspirin for Cancer Prevention

It has been found out that taking small amounts of aspirin on a daily basis can curb risk of stroke and heart disease. We already know that. But recent studies indicate it can also decrease risk of cancer. Studies done in United Kingdom have been conducted to monitor subjects taking about 75-300 mg of aspirin a day. After three years, those taking aspirin had cancer risk reduced by approximately 25%. Then after 5 years, risk of cancer was reduced to 37%.

Studies indicate that daily intake of aspirin cuts down cancer risk by preventing metastasis. Nonetheless, there is another problem with aspirin intake. Doctors warn that regular intake of aspirin may cause stomach bleeding. Moreover, people who take aspirin daily are, ironically, at risk of hemorrhagic strokes.

Placebos as Drugs

Placebos are "empty" agents used in research to determine the true effects of drugs. This time they are used as treatment agents on their own. The power of placebos comes from suggestion-not from the placebos themselves. For instance, studies show that when people are told they are getting good exercise, they tend to lose more weight than those who are not told the same thing. There are already many studies that test the ability of placebo to treat disorders. Placebos do not contain active ingredients to target the illness. They work by changing the person's reaction to their illness.

Exercise to Defy Aging

People already know the benefits of exercise. Health news articles have discussed too much about exercise. Anyone can now say exercise relieves stress, improves cardiovascular health, enhances immunity, and so on. What we might have missed to note is that exercise promises to reverse aging. This assumption was made by scientists who studies laboratory mice subjected to exercise program. These mice had better muscles, hearts, kidneys, and brains than those that did not go through exercise program. Their hair was also shinier and thicker.

This news article is brought to you by FISHING - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7 Things to Look for in a Primary Care Physician

A primary care physician needs to be your go-to doctor. This is the person to turn to whenever you have any concerns, thoughts, or ideas about your health, and you want to know what the real situation is. Take some time to consider all of your options in these providers. Though you may just want to choose a local doctor, it is more important to look for the right professional for you. In many cases, individuals need and benefit from having a personally selected doctor because they are more likely to trust in this person's opinion and treatment when they do.

What to Look For

There are some things that you should look for specifically when choosing a primary care physician. Keep in mind that your individual preferences and needs must be met by this provider to make the person worth working with for your health needs.

The doctor needs to be one you feel you can trust. Trust comes from various things. For some, a doctor with credentials a mile long helps. For others, being able to sit down and talk to the provider is the best possible thing he or she can offer.

You need a provider that works with your insurance company or government-provided aid. However, if you do not have these features, you may want to ask for help related to the costs associated with care.

The provider needs to be available to you. This means he or she must have room on his patient list for your needs. A provider that is too busy is not one that you can feel comfortable going to for your needs.

You may want to turn to a professional that is available when you are available. Some offer evening and weekend hours to meet your needs.

You may want a professional that is certified and that continues to obtain the best possible training. A provider who goes back to school or is involved in new technology and research is someone that can be beneficial to your health long-term.

You need someone that values your opinion. This is your body, after all, and no one knows it better than you do. Your provider needs to be willing to listen to how you feel, not just what the test results say.

You also need someone that is able to work in the hospitals that you wish to visit. If there was an emergency, would your doctor be able to see you?

A primary care physician is the person that you should go to for all of your health needs, but this person needs to be the right one for you, too. That means this person needs to be the type of professional that can aid you in improving your quality of life.

This news article is brought to you by ASTHMA - where latest news are our top priority.

Hearing Test: Getting The Information You Need

Taking a hearing test when you've noticed some degradation in your ability to hear is essential for diagnosis and treatment. Too many people don't realize that there are options out there that can make living with impairment and easier situation for all involved. Yes, listening aids are expensive. No, they will not restore your ears to their perfect natural state. But they are far better than nothing, which is what many do not understand. If you're somewhat in the dark about the causes of auditory loss and the issues surrounding it, here is the information you may need to move forward.


There are a number of causes of auditory loss. If you've experienced loss due to any of these factors, you may want to get a hearing test to see where you're at in terms of impairment. Noise exposure, cancer treatment, some antibiotics, earwax, infections, and major trauma are among the most common causes of trouble. The treatment for the condition will often depend heavily on not only the cause, but the type of impairment you've suffered. Damage to the inner ear, for instance, will be treated much differently than obstructions or damage to the middle ear canal.


While a hearing test can't tell you what type of loss you've experienced, nor the cause, it can be very effective in determining the extent of your impairment. This condition is divided into several categories, all of which can be used by a doctor to determine what kinds of treatment the patient will benefit from. The extent of the loss, the patient's ability to understand speech, or the frequencies they can hear well and which they cannot, all of these are important components of diagnosing a disorder and figuring out which treatments and devices will be most helpful.


Unlike problems in many parts of the body, there is little that can be done to restore auditory loss. This isn't always the case. Cochlear implants have proven effective for treating deafness to some extent, but only for some types. Obviously, if an obstruction such as earwax is causing the diminished ability to hear, removing the obstruction will usually clear up the problem. In most situations, however, a failed hearing test means you should begin looking at listening aids and devices. While these will not restore your natural ability to hear, they can amplify sounds and make it easier to cope with the disability. Talk to your doctor about what else can be done to minimize the effects of auditory loss.

This news article is brought to you by BED-BREAKFAST-INNS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Common Misconceptions of Waxing

Waxing is probably the most cost efficient and fastest way to removed unwanted hair from almost any part of the body and the effects last for a couple of weeks. It can be done on both men and women alike. However, there are many misconceptions about waxing that scares off potential customers and put many people off.

Hair needs to be of a certain length before you can wax

True. Hair needs to be at least 1/4 long for body area and about 1/8 long for places like eyebrows or ear hair. It will take around a week to grow to 1/8 long and about two weeks to grow to 1/4 length long so it's actually quite fast.

Waxing will make your hair grow back thicker and rougher

This is totally false. Waxing removes the hair from its roots and as a result, the newly grown hair will be softer than ever before. If waxing is done on a regularly basis, hair growth rate will eventually be much slower than before.

There will be skin irritation and redness in the waxed area after waxing

This is a yes and no answer depending on the individual's skin. Some people with sensitive skin experience skin redness and slight swelling after waxing. Some people get small bumps. However, skin redness and irritation will go away on its own after a couple of hours and it is normal. However, make sure that you avoid any saunas, steam bath and tanning for a couple of days to prevent further irritation. Always exfoliate the area on a regular basis as it helps to prevent any ingrown hairs and tightens the pores.

Waxing will change skin tone and colour

False. Sun tanning is much more harmful compared to waxing and it will cause more skin irritation and burning, causing damages to the skin and dark spots in future. However, since waxing will irritate the skin lightly, it is advisable to slap on sun block lotion if you are going under the sun,

You should avoid painkillers before waxing

False. Rumours are that you should avoid painkillers before waxing as they'll cause an adverse effect. In fact, taking painkillers is beneficial as it helps to minimise any discomfort during the waxing session! Do avoid caffeine products though as they will cause your skin to become more sensitive.

There are so many misconceptions about waxing on what you should do and what you should not. By knowing the truth about waxing, you can actually enjoy your waxing session and look forward to hair free skin.

This news article is brought to you by YARD AND EQUIPMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Men's Fitness - A Way of Life

Ever wonder how some people look and feel good all the time? It's because they workout, eat healthy and do some form of bodywork like meditation. Fitness it's a way of life and here are a few things you can do.

Setting Your Mind To Do This

Start out by deciding what it is you want to do like walking or running, yoga or meditation, circuit training or lifting weights. No Need to make it hard on yourself, just find something you really like and stick with it.


It's not just about exercising, it's about changing your lifestyle such as eating healthier, quitting smoking, and making sure your more active.

It's really up to you how you do it, but one thing to keep in mind is starting slowly so you will want to keep on making these changes and if you need the support of family and friends then don't be afraid to ask them for help.


Just as important is making sure you get enough sleep 7-8 hours a night.

when you do this you will have more energy, stronger immune system, be more productive and overall just feel better.

Have you noticed differences in your life when you are low on sleep vs. when you are well rested?


Have you ever thought of doing some type of bodywork?

How about doing meditation which helps your mind and body by feeling better, being more focused and having better concentration?

If that is not for you then try yoga which stretches the body or getting a massage which helps you to relax.

These are not only good for your body, but also your mind and overall health.

Experiment to see which one is right for you.


If you have a stressful lifestyle and poor health habits they can give to excessive wear and tear on your bodies, resulting in a poor quality of life along with health problems.. You need to have a change in lifestyle and eliminate stress then you have better health.

Some of the ways to do this are by eating healthy, exercising, getting adequate sleep, and stress management.

If your lifestyle is fast paced always going, always doing then you need to slow down and take care of yourself and your body.

If you follow these simple guidelines you are on your way to making fitness a way of life for you. It's all about lifestyle changes come on you can do it.

This news article is brought to you by CANCER - where latest news are our top priority.

Services From a Medical Spa

The vast number of services available from a medical spa should be enough to entice people into using these facilities more often. There are some outstanding companies available offering a range of unique ways to improve your skin, for example. For those who are looking for a way to look and have younger feeling skin, these locations may be the best place to go to find that type of treatment. It may not be hard for you to do that, either.

Vast Services for Every Need

For those who need medical spa treatments, look to the local facilities that offer the specific type of treatment necessary to improve your skin. There are many, including procedures like VelaShape, Juvederm, Ultrasonic Microdermabrasion and IPL Photorejuvenation, just to name a few. A few of the most popular treatments include the following.

- Laser hair removal has become one of the most sought after types of treatments today. It provides an outstanding improvement to daily life. With it, you no longer have to spend time shaving each day. This procedure creates hair-free skin that's beautiful. There are no more nicks and cuts to deal with either.

- Botox is another popular treatment. In some cases, this treatment is meant as a way to improve the function of an area of the body, but it is most commonly used to add volume to the skin's inner layers to create plump, youthful looking skin. This can help to improve those fine lines and wrinkles you may have and dread.

- Microdermabrasion comes in numerous forms. In some cases, this type of treatment works to remove the very outer layer of skin in a high-tech exfoliation. In doing so, it stimulates the body's immune system to produce new skin cells in the region. These newer cells are youthful looking.

No matter which of these or other types of treatments you plan to use, it is a good idea to choose a facility that has the latest technology. In addition, it is a good idea to choose a facility that has a long history of providing effective treatment to patients. The quality of service you get should be high especially if you want to see significant improvements in your results.

Each medical spa offers something different. Some offer more than others do, but quantity of service is less important than finding the quality you need. In some cases, you can see marked improvement in the way your skin looks and feels by simply investing in the right company for your needs. If you want more youthful looking skin, it is a good idea to turn to an expert in the industry to get the job done the way you want to.

This news article is brought to you by IN LOVE WITH A CANCER MAN - where latest news are our top priority.

Lasik Eye Surgery Is A Great Alternative To Wearing Glasses

One new phenomenon that is on the rise is people wearing glasses who don't need them. It's not that the eyeglasses are prescribed. However, they are mainly used as a fashion piece. You can look at any fashion magazine and you will probably see a few people wearing them. Some say it makes them look or feel more professional. Others just like the way they look with them. However, there are many people who actually have to wear glasses that don't like the idea of having to wear them.

So, many of them opt not to wear them sometimes. That's because they don't want to go through the hassle. Therefore, they may leave home without them, not because they forgot, but because they just didn't want to deal with them throughout the day. Although this is a common occurrence, it can be extremely dangerous. That's because doctors prescribe glasses for a good reason. So, to choose not to wear them can put the person in danger of harming others as well as themselves.

For example, when they are driving, they are put at an automatic disadvantage because of their impaired eyesight. So, without the help of their glasses, things around them may be become blurry and it becomes harder to see things. This can cause them to swerve into another lane, slam into another car or even hit someone walking across the street that they weren't able to clearly make out. This has happened many times. Although it may not always cause tragic deaths, it has the possibility to. However, this possibility still does not deter some people from leaving their glasses at home. The good news is there is an alternative called Lasik eye surgery.

This is a procedure that helps to correct and improve eyesight. So, if anyone is wearing glasses and they don't like dealing with the hassle, they may want to check around and see if they are eligible for Lasik eye surgery. The good thing about this procedure is that once it's completed, the person will no longer need to wear glasses, for the most part. So, it would be as if they never had a sight issue in the first place. They would be able to drive, mow the lawn and freely do other things that they couldn't do without having to wear glasses.

However, some people must realize that depending on how bad their eyesight is, Lasik eye surgery may not do for them exactly what they desire. They must realize that it is a corrective or improvement procedure and it is not a cure all. So, in some instances people's eyesight may be improved to where they only need to wear his or her glasses half of the time.

Whatever the case may be, Lasik eye surgery is a great procedure, especially for those who don't want to go through the hassle of having to wear glasses.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Grow Taller Quickly - How To Grow A Foot Taller In A Week

Unfortunately, if you are looking to grow taller quickly by a foot in about a week then I hate to tell you that there is no way that this is going to happen at all unless you start walking on stilts. You can, however, over time grow taller quickly by at least 2 inches dependent on how much effort you are willing to put into what I am going to show in the following article.

Many people are looking for quick fixes that are going to help them increase their height in a week or similar but that is what we call wishful thinking. You are not going to find some sort of height increase machine, creams or pills that will boost your growth hormones but this in fact is something that you are just going to end up wasting money on. IF you are looking to climb your way up the height ladder then you are going to have to do this naturally.

When I say naturally I mean that you are going to have to go through all the exercises, stretches and dietary criteria as these methods are in fact the best and fastest methods that you can go through that can help you grow taller quickly.

This does sound like a lot of effort but if you do in fact put in the time and the effort then you will gain the benefits out of it as well. There are many people that have claimed to have up to 6 inches of extra height from going through the natural methods! But what you need to understand is that it did take time for this to happen.

So now that all of you know how unrealistic it is growing a foot in a week we can now move forward into the natural methods which while they do take time to go through are very effective and pay off well.

There are many natural methods to take into account when thinking about growing taller quickly, the most popular and easiest are the stretches to grow taller.

These can be done at anytime you have free and many of them don't even need equipment just natural body weight, performing this in the morning when you wake and before you go to sleep can be highly effective and teaming them up with exercises and a diet everyday will help you create a routine that will help you grow taller quickly by at least 2 inches.

Clean Towels - Hygiene Health

Hygiene is a very crucial part of the everyday life of any human being. Washing hands, brushing teeth, bathing; it all seems very second nature to us nowadays, but in reality, it's all these small things that prevent sickness and bacterial infection. While this stands to be true, many people underestimate the importance of other simple everyday items. The towel, for instance, is an underrated part of the human lifestyle that seems so available, it's hard to realize when it should be in use.

In 2009, almost 15 million students attended high schools across America, and over half of these students participated in an athletics course. When students take this course, they are pushed to work hard and work up a sweat to stay in shape. However, not all of these kids shower and not all of them do anything to clean their faces or their hands. Just one swipe of a dirt hand across an adolescent face could result in a vast array of acne and/or a potential bacterial infection. The prevention of something like this is as simple as one worthwhile investment by the school: Towels. The simple use of a clean towel after a shower could prevent a lot of the skin issues that are present in modern teens, and if a student chooses not to shower, then it is as simple as a sweat towel. If the school were to provide a specific amount of towels for their student body, the athletes could carry a towel with them and use to keep their faces and their surroundings clean, significantly improving the average hygiene of a school's student population. The same concept is easily applicable to public gyms as well. If a public gym were able to supply towels for all their customers, the overall hygiene of the consumer population could increase. This leaves companies with a solid reputation of clean customers, clean machines, and clean weights.

Towels shouldn't only be available for athletic purposes, but for beautification purposes as well. When speaking of hygiene, there is no place that should be more hygienic than a place that is meant to clean your hair and body. This is why many salons already have an ample supply of towels at the ready. However, if a salon studio does not have a sufficient number of towels, or any towels at all, the consumers are bound to pay the price. This is, of course, the salons responsibility, and they owe it to any client to supply a towel for their personal hygiene. While this sounds good in theory, it would be necessary for a company or school to buy the towels in bulk.

All in all, the towel is very underused in many ways. It can be used for athletic purposes, as well as for the purpose that is already being used in salons across the globe. With all the properties and uses present in towels, it would seem that it is becoming more and more necessity for companies everywhere, and Boss Beauty Supply is a great place to fulfill those necessities.

This news article is brought to you by AUTOMOTIVE - where latest news are our top priority.

3 Fats - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The word "fat" gets thrown around a lot these days, and it is seldom mentioned in a friendly manner.

That's a little sad, especially if you are interested in being healthy, because there are several different "fats" and knowing your way around them can have a strong impact on your fitness efforts and goals.

Discussing fat can take you in several different directions... some of them pretty complicated. However, here I simply want to clear up a bit of confusion that most people have about "fat". The actual meaning of the word depends on the topic under discussion but most people just lump all meanings into an evil, amorphous mass and make the sign of the cross as if warding off vampires.

First of all, let's make it clear that "fat" is often actually a good thing, and just to shun it based on hearsay is not a smart move.

I am reminded of a time years ago when I in-processed new employees for a major national company. Many of the people I worked with were experienced in the industry and most arrived with certain predetermined attitudes about what they would find with us.

Most of them were surprised.

In fact, after orientation was over, one new employee came up to me and said, "I have been in this industry for nearly 30 years and when I first started, I heard bad things about this company and for all that time, I have just been repeating what I had heard. Now I know that it is not like that at all, and I am going to make more money here and like my job better than I ever have."

... And he did.

Fat is like that. People have heard something about it, like "it's bad for you", and they just assume it's the truth, never realizing that they have been misled. That's easy to do since the three fats I am going to talk about are somewhat similar and related and are easy to confuse if you are not an expert, or at least a student, of health and nutrition.

Let's start with "the ugly" fat.

This is body fat. It is generally subcutaneous. That is, it lies under the skin. I call it "the ugly" fat because most people really don't like it because it makes them look... well... fat!

It can be "bad" for you if it is in excess, but body fat per se is not evil. Some fat is needed for health and is involved in the proper performance of many actions in the body. Without some body fat, our health would suffer. Excess body fat is generally the result of an imbalance between the calories we take in and the calories we use. This is why controlling excess body fat usually involves exercise and nutritionally balanced food intake.

Excess body fat can contribute to diabetes, heart disease, joint ailments, high blood pressure, premature aging, and even death. However, not to beat a dead horse, but we DO NEED some body fat to be healthy.

Now, let's talk about "the good" fat.

This is dietary fat.

It may surprise you to learn, after all you have read and heard about losing weight and the obesity problem in the U.S. and other countries that dietary fat, i.e. the fat in foods "can" be good for you.

I am not going to get into a discussion of transfats and so on, as that goes off in another direction. However, there are fats which are not as good for you as other fats. In the long run, however, most health issues come back to the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise and healthy eating habits. Even the negative effects of a diet high in unhealthy fats, or just fat in general, can be offset to a great degree by activity and selection of other foods that help offset the ill-effects of any fat.

I call this "the good" fat because dietary fat provides energy, supplies certain substances crucial to health, helps with the absorption and use of some necessary nutrients, and can help you feel full so that you are less likely to overeat.

Again, this whole area is a study in itself, and I will leave it here. Remember, the problem with dietary fats does not lie as much in the area of the fat itself, but the amount of fat and the lifestyle into which it is introduced.

Finally, "the bad" fat.

This is what is referred to as "visceral fat" and "abdominal fat". This is slightly misleading as abdominal fat can be both subcutaneous, under the skin, and visceral, within the abdominal cavity itself.

Visceral fat, also mostly the result of lifestyle, but affected by age, sex, heredity and other factors, can be even more deadly than excess body fat. While any body fat cell is actually a small factory pumping out various hormones and other substances, many of which are not good for our health, visceral fat is really bad. Just a few of the detrimental effects of visceral fat are increased risk of heart disease, colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, bad memory, and less verbal fluency.

The good news is that all fats in or on the body react well to exercise and proper nutrition. In fact, some studies have found that regular exercise and proper nutrition can produce huge health improvements even with little fat loss.

I hope that after this little discussion you understand fats a bit more.

This news article is brought to you by EVERYTHING ABOUT COFFEE - where latest news are our top priority.