Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cleansing Your Water of Legionella

For every business, being able to provide a clean drinking water system to their employees is of legal importance. It is mandatory for every business to conduct a legionella assessment of their water. The virus is one that can cause the dreaded illness, which at times can even turn fatal. Should you choose not to have the test done, then you can be held legally liable to any person who may contract the illness from the water of your premises.

Most legionella assessment agencies will also provide you with means of tackling the problem should they find it on it on your premises. One of them is with the use of chlorine generators and treatment measures that are related.

One of the first steps to rid a building of the legionella virus is to disinfect the water supply. This will bring down the presence of the pathogen. Doing this on a regular basis will cleanse the piping system of the virus and will prevent it from coming back again. There are a few reconstructional measures that one will have to take to meet this disinfection requirement. These systems can be designed specifically to meet the needs of small to medium sized building which handles a water flow of around 25m/3h.

A basic chlorine generator and treatment system is made up of several components. It will have on it a dilution device and a flow meter. It also comes with a chlorine dioxide meter and of course a safety kit to prevent exposure. Ideally the entire set up will also have to be supported with a maintenance kit.

The kind of generator you will need will depend on a number of factors. Ideally you should go on the basis of the recommendation from your evaluator. You can opt to have the system installed and can monitor and maintain records yourself. Else you can outsource the entire cleansing system to capable hands and be rest assured that by the time your next evaluation is up, you will have a clean system.

There is enough of research to show that the use of chlorine generator for disinfection works to a great extent and can rid your systems of the legionella virus. The process is a safe one and will not come in the way of the working of your office. You will not suffer from any downtime and can be rest assured that your employees are not exposed to the virus due to negligence on your part.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

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